Hexamail Server Administration Guide - Mailbox and Folder restrictions - Mailbox restrictions

Mailbox restrictions

Choose inclusion and exclusion expressions to set which mailboxes and folders are archived

Mailbox restrictions


This list allows the configuration of mailbox matching expressions. When an expression matches it will perform the action specified for the expression. The expression type shows the type of expression the matching engine will use for the entered expression. Mailboxes that match Include items will be included when the importer is importing email from the chosen source. Mailboxes that match Exclude items will not be included when the importer is importing email from the chosen source.
Expression types:
Case insensitive substring
simply "match" or "sub(match)"
sub(mail) matches the phrase "Hexamail produces server software"
Case sensitive substring
SUB(mail) does not match the phrase "HexaMail produces server software"
Case insensitive exact match
cmp(mail) matches ONLY the entire exact string "mAil"
Case sensitive exact match
CMP(mail) matches ONLY the entire exact string "mail"
Case insensitive word match
" match " or "word(match)"
word(mail) does not match the phrase "Hexamail produces server software" but does match the phrase "Hexamail produces mail server software"
Case sensitive word match
WORD(Mail) does not match the phrase "Hexamail produces mail server software" but does match the phrase "Mail server software produced by Hexamail"
Case insensitive wild match
"*m?tch*" or "wild(*m?tch*)" (? - single character match, * - multiple character match)
Example wild(*v?agra*) matches the phrase "Hexamail does not ship v1agra"
the * wrappers round wildcard expressions, you can also do wild(Start*) to match the phrase "Start of the content" but not match "the content starts here"
Case sensitive wild match
WILD(*v?agra*) does not match the phrase "Hexamail does not ship V1agra"
the * wrappers round wildcard expressions, you can also do WILD(*End) to match the phrase "The content End" but not match "the content ends here"
Regular expression
can be found at the website
Case sensitive regular expression
can be found at the website
Boolean expression
BOOL(wild(*viagra*) AND wild(*ph?rm?cy*) must match both wild matches to be considered an overall match. Brackets may be used.
Brackets allow nested clauses in a BOOL expression

Add #NN to any weighting expression to multiple the weight by the number NN

 - If matched these expressions include the email
 - If matched these expressions exclude the email
(Click the heading to sort by the column)
The expression
Action the expression has
Type of expression
(Underneath control)
Add a mailbox match expression
Edit the mailbox match expression
Delete the selected expression(s)
Import expressions from a file using the current action
Export the selected expressions to a file
(Right click selected items)


This list allows the configuration of sender matching expressions. When an expression matches it will perform the action specified for the expression. The expression type shows the type of expression the expression matching engine will use for the entered expression. The default is a case-insensitive substring match. Under Exchange 2007 onwards folders should be of the form Archive, or Archive/ Exchange 2007 onwards do not support wildcards within foldernames, only to specify including all subfolders. Exchange 2007 onwards also does not support substring matches so any substring matches will be considered as exact matches You need to add Archive and Archive/ to specify including the folder Archive and all those below it.
Expression types:
Case insensitive substring
simply "match" or "sub(match)"
sub(mail) matches the phrase "Hexamail produces server software"
Case sensitive substring
SUB(mail) does not match the phrase "HexaMail produces server software"
Case insensitive exact match
cmp(mail) matches ONLY the entire exact string "mAil"
Case sensitive exact match
CMP(mail) matches ONLY the entire exact string "mail"
Case insensitive word match
" match " or "word(match)"
word(mail) does not match the phrase "Hexamail produces server software" but does match the phrase "Hexamail produces mail server software"
Case sensitive word match
WORD(Mail) does not match the phrase "Hexamail produces mail server software" but does match the phrase "Mail server software produced by Hexamail"
Case insensitive wild match
"*m?tch*" or "wild(*m?tch*)" (? - single character match, * - multiple character match)
Example wild(*v?agra*) matches the phrase "Hexamail does not ship v1agra"
the * wrappers round wildcard expressions, you can also do wild(Start*) to match the phrase "Start of the content" but not match "the content starts here"
Case sensitive wild match
WILD(*v?agra*) does not match the phrase "Hexamail does not ship V1agra"
the * wrappers round wildcard expressions, you can also do WILD(*End) to match the phrase "The content End" but not match "the content ends here"
Regular expression
can be found at the website
Case sensitive regular expression
can be found at the website
Boolean expression
BOOL(wild(*viagra*) AND wild(*ph?rm?cy*) must match both wild matches to be considered an overall match. Brackets may be used.
Brackets allow nested clauses in a BOOL expression

Add #NN to any weighting expression to multiple the weight by the number NN

 - If matched these expressions include the email
 - If matched these expressions exclude the email
(Click the heading to sort by the column)
The expression
Action the expression has
Type of expression
(Underneath control)
Add an expression
Edit the selected expression
Delete the selected expression(s)
Import expressions from a file using the current action
Export the selected expressions to a file
(Right click selected items)
Archive,Inbox and for Exchange 2007 onwards: DeletedItems,Inbox,Archive,Inbox/